Himalayan Crystal Salt – A true super food indeed.

Himalayan Salt is basically rock salt which is from Pakistan. This salt is mined from Khewra Salt Mines, the second largest salt mine in the world and is being sold in Europe, North America and Australia since the early 21st century. The salt has a reddish colour with some crystals retaining an off white transparent colour. This is known as “white gold”  in the Himalayas because it contains the 84 minerals and elements that are found in our bodies.

This Himalayan Salt is in fact pure as it is created in an environment where it has no exposure whatsoever to toxins and impurities, and also is likely to have many benefits. Due to it’s nutrient content it increases bone strength as the minerals work together to be absorbed by the body. Another benefit is that it regulates blood pressure when combined with water. It even reduces your chances of developing kidney and gall bladder stones, rheumatism, arthritis and gout compared to chemically treated salt. These are just some of the reasons to switch to the Himalayan Crystal Salt as it is very beneficial for health.

My next point is about conventional table salt. This table salt is mainly composed of Sodium Chloride (97.5%) but also contains a minority (2.5%) of chemicals like iodine and absorbents, and so is seen as a toxic invader by our bodies. And because this salt is processed, the body must waste a lot of energy and water to neutralize the Sodium Chloride. Research has shown that for every gram of salt your body cannot process, it will require over twenty times the amount of cellular water to neutralize the Sodium Chloride in processed salt. And yet an average American consume 5 grams of salt per day, an issue that needs addressing.

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A couple of reasons to stop drinking sodas. Want to know more? Keep reading.

If drinking sodas is one of your little pleasures you should stop and consider what you are drinking. For those of you that don’t know what a soda is, it is essentially carbonated water with a sweetener and a flavour agent among other ingredients. Sodas have been around for a long time and have also changed in the process. How? Well you’ll just have to move on to the next paragraph to find out.

In the olden days, sodas were sweetened with natural sugar cane which is better for health than the artificial sweeteners and synthetic additives. One major drawback is that the High Fructose Corn Syrup or HCFS that is used in most soft drinks and sodas today is derived from corn. This is a drawback because most of the corn (at least in the US if not in the UK and US) is in fact genetically modified and so the drinks are likely full of GMO’s. GMO’s are devoid of nutrition and are full of pesticides and herbicides which are harmful – the glyphosate in Roundup for example increases the risk of cancer even in the parts per billion range.

Toxins are another reason to stop drinking sodas. Whether your soft drink is in a plastic bottle or aluminium can, it is likely to be made with or coated in Bisphenol-A or BPA. This in itself causes an array of health problems and ailments. Next, many sodas are made with low quality, unfiltered tap water which contains industrial waste, pharmaceutical drugs and other chemicals such as arsenic and bromate. Even the HCFS sweetener is laced with chemical residues including mercury, a harmful chemical that damages your brain. You can find more on this link: http://wakeup-world.com/2013/08/20/5-good-reasons-to-stop-drinking-soda-immediately/

I personally find this shocking mainly because I didn’t realize there would be so many chemicals in sodas and soft drinks. I also think it’s outrageous that so many things are going into our food and drink without us even knowing about it. Don’t hesitate to comment your thoughts and feelings on this subject. Also feel free to share this post with others if you like.


Is our drinking water safe?

Nowadays, our water may not be as safe as we think it is. There are dozens of chemicals in our water supply because not enough is being done to regulate and clean it. Pesticides are leeching into the water – these chemicals, including glyphosate, are used in agriculture. Cyanide is another toxic chemical that is in our drinking water. Many cyanides are highly toxic and stop the cells from aerobically producing ATP for energy. Hydrogen Cyanide is particularly dangerous because oral ingestion of a solid cyanide or cyanide solution as small as 200mg or inhalation of airborne cyanide of 270ppm is sufficient to cause death within minutes. These are only some of the contaminants coming into the water.

I personally think that more needs to done to make our water safer however I am thankful that there are things we can do ourselves to make our drink water more safe. Simply filtering water at home removes some unwanted chemicals. There are special filters that remove fluoride which are a bit more expensive. Using maifanite minerals removes heavy metals from water. Processes like distillation can clean and purify your water too. Iodine is great for reducing harmful bacteria in the water.Image