Is our drinking water safe?

Nowadays, our water may not be as safe as we think it is. There are dozens of chemicals in our water supply because not enough is being done to regulate and clean it. Pesticides are leeching into the water – these chemicals, including glyphosate, are used in agriculture. Cyanide is another toxic chemical that is in our drinking water. Many cyanides are highly toxic and stop the cells from aerobically producing ATP for energy. Hydrogen Cyanide is particularly dangerous because oral ingestion of a solid cyanide or cyanide solution as small as 200mg or inhalation of airborne cyanide of 270ppm is sufficient to cause death within minutes. These are only some of the contaminants coming into the water.

I personally think that more needs to done to make our water safer however I am thankful that there are things we can do ourselves to make our drink water more safe. Simply filtering water at home removes some unwanted chemicals. There are special filters that remove fluoride which are a bit more expensive. Using maifanite minerals removes heavy metals from water. Processes like distillation can clean and purify your water too. Iodine is great for reducing harmful bacteria in the water.Image

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