Himalayan Crystal Salt – A true super food indeed.

Himalayan Salt is basically rock salt which is from Pakistan. This salt is mined from Khewra Salt Mines, the second largest salt mine in the world and is being sold in Europe, North America and Australia since the early 21st century. The salt has a reddish colour with some crystals retaining an off white transparent colour. This is known as “white gold”  in the Himalayas because it contains the 84 minerals and elements that are found in our bodies.

This Himalayan Salt is in fact pure as it is created in an environment where it has no exposure whatsoever to toxins and impurities, and also is likely to have many benefits. Due to it’s nutrient content it increases bone strength as the minerals work together to be absorbed by the body. Another benefit is that it regulates blood pressure when combined with water. It even reduces your chances of developing kidney and gall bladder stones, rheumatism, arthritis and gout compared to chemically treated salt. These are just some of the reasons to switch to the Himalayan Crystal Salt as it is very beneficial for health.

My next point is about conventional table salt. This table salt is mainly composed of Sodium Chloride (97.5%) but also contains a minority (2.5%) of chemicals like iodine and absorbents, and so is seen as a toxic invader by our bodies. And because this salt is processed, the body must waste a lot of energy and water to neutralize the Sodium Chloride. Research has shown that for every gram of salt your body cannot process, it will require over twenty times the amount of cellular water to neutralize the Sodium Chloride in processed salt. And yet an average American consume 5 grams of salt per day, an issue that needs addressing.

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