Spinach Paneer

This is a recipe for an Indian spinach paneer recipe.


2 -3 cubes or blocks of spinach

4 – 5 broccoli pieces (can be the frozen kind)

1 pack of paneer

Some curry spices


1. Firstly, you need to take out the frozen paneer and defrost it in a bowl of warm water.

2. Add the spinach and the broccoli to the pressure cooker ad leave it to cook until the first whistle. Lower the setting after that.

3. Now that the paneer has defrosted, cut open the pack and cut the paneer into cubes.

4. Fry these cubes for a few minutes.

5. Add some curry spices and cook for another few minutes.

6. Take the spinach and broccoli off the heat and mash it.

7. Add the cubed paneer and spices to the spinach and broccoli and mix.

8. Serve!Image

5 Foods recommended for heart health.

Here, I have a list of foods that are beneficial to the heart:

1. Avacados – these are rich in monounsaturated fats and can lower the bad cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol in the body.

2. Berries – Whatever berry you like, be it strawberry, raspberry or blueberry, berries are a rich source of anti – inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. They not only benefit the heart but also benefit other areas of the body too.

3. Oatmeal – A bowl of oats are full of omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin B9, Potassium and Fiber. This is great for keeping your arteries clear!

4. Salmon or fish – At least 2 servings a week is associated with a 30% lower risk of heart disease. Omega 3 which is found in oily fish, oatmeal and certain other products helps to prevent irregular heart rhythms.

5. Asparagus – it is a great artery clearing food which wards of deadly clots and helps the body get rid of inflammation.

I would recommend these foods because of their nutrient content and for their ability to prevent certain health problems.

Is our health being spied on?

There is yet another surveillance scheme being rolled out even though it is being claimed that this is necessary in order to help us. But does it really help us? I think not.

In the Gestapo like police state, the reported outbreaks of infectious diseases may be kept under tabs soon. To do so, at least 25,000 online sources or websites will be  providing a live data feed. This will be done 24/7 and the content updated hourly. This “feed” will be providing a means of sharing information to places you may not know are tracking and sharing this information. Of course the proposition for this spy grid was issued 11 days ago, and provides a scary prospect of the future. This also raises questions like what has been done to protect our privacy? Has anything even been done at all? Why are we even being spied on secretly without our knowledge?

Personally, I don’t like the idea of our health being spied on. It only takes away from our freedom. These days since we have virtually zero privacy, this adds to the list of invasive procedures and adds to the number of things that are violating our privacy rights. This is the main reason I do not like being spied on, not just in terms of health but in general too. Another reason I do not like being spied on with health matters is that it can lead to discrimination. Employers can see all our records including medical records and our history in terms of illnesses and they may not give a job to someone they think is “flawed” and has or have had certain problems in the past whereas they might give the job to someone they deem fit and healthy.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this post/topic so please leave comments on what you think of this. Thank you 🙂

Recipe: Nuts And Seeds Rice

This is a recipe that serves 4 people and also is rather simple.


1 1/2 cups of rice (this should already be cooked)

1/2 – 1 onion

1/2 cup of cashew nuts

A handful or two of raisins

12 walnuts

Some pumpkin seeds (optional)


1. Begin by heating the pan on the stove and adding a little oil.

2. Chop the onions in the meantime.

3. Now the pan is ready, fry the onions until they have a more greyish colour.

4. Add the cashew nuts and stir for a few minutes.

5. Add the raisins and stir for a few more minutes.

6. If you are using pumpkin seeds add this to the mix as well and stir. If not, skip to the next step.

7. Add the walnuts to the mix and stir some more.

8. Once all the nuts and seeds have been stirred in together, add the cooked rice and season with salt and pepper. Mix well.

9. Switch off the heat and serve.

Tip: you could serve this dish with a nice and spicy meat curry.

Cheese Toasts Recipe With Salad And Nuts

This is a very tasty and simple recipe that hardly requires any cooking at all. This recipe is for two people


For the toasts

4 slices of bread (2 per person)

grated cheese

For the salad

a small section of cucumber

2 tomatoes

lettuce leaves

A handful of nuts and seeds on the side


1. Firstly, you need to grate some cheese from your cheese block, You can use any cheese you like.

2. Next, get two slices of bread and put them on a tray. After, sprinkle some cheese onto each slice of bread. The amount of cheese on each slice of bread should not be too much and should only be a little less than half a handful.

3. Now preheat the grill to medium heat. If your grill is less powerful, set it to high heat. If your grill is more powerful then set it to low. Once it is ready (and should be after a couple of minutes) put the tray with the cheese toasts into the grill and leave it for about 2 – 3 minutes.

4. In the meantime, start preparing the salad. Wash the cucumber, tomatoes and lettuce. Chop the tomatoes, slice the cucumber and cut the lettuce. Put the chopped salad into a bowl and it is ready.

5. Now that the two toasts are ready, remove them from the grill and repeat steps 1 – 3 for the remaining slices of bread. Once they are done, serve your toasts on a plate with some salad and a handful of nuts and seeds on the side. Enjoy!