One dose of Vitamin D halt’s the progression of Multiple Sclerosis.

According to new research, one dose of vitamin d followed by supplementation of this vitamin is able to halt the progression of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Vitamin D is also known to protect against diseases such as cancer and heart failure as well as background radiation. Reports in the Journal Of Immunology state that a US based team carried out an investigation studying different combinations of vitamin d therapy and found that one oral dose followed by dietary supplementation daily was a great, successful treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. You can find more information using this link:

5 Food Additives To Avoid And Their Effects

food toxin

Although there are many food additives we should avoid due to their negative effects, there are five in particular which I personally think you should be aware of.

1. Benzoates. The variations of these chemicals are Benzoic Acid, Sodium Benzoates, Calcium Benzoates and Potassium Benzoates. These are used to prevent mould from growing in foods such as pickles, salad dressings, fruit juices soft drinks and even jams and jelly. A reason to avoid these chemicals is because they are linked with dizziness, hyperactivity and DNA damage to name a few things. Another reason to avoid benzoates is that when sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate are combined with ascorbic acid, they form benzene which is a known carcinogen.

2. Nitrites. Can also be known as Sodium Nitrite and Potassium Nitrite. Nitrites are used as a preservative in the vast majority of processed meats if not all processed meats such as sausages, hot dogs, bacon and cold cuts of meat. They preserve the colour of these meats. However, Nitrites are knows to cause many types of cancer such as thyroid, colon, stomach, bladder and Leukaemia (blood cancer for those who are unaware of what leukaemia is), as well as infant health problems, headaches, irritability, pregnancy complications. When cooked, Nitrites form Nitrosamines which also cause cancer.

3. Sulphites. They prevent bacteria from growing in foods such as Pizza and Pie crusts, dried fruits, ready meals, oven chips and even wine and beer. Sulphites cause itchy eyes and wheezing cough, hay fever and a runny nose. It is said that 1 in 10 people will have a more aggressive reaction to sulphite chemicals like rashes, asthmatic attacks, and restricted breathing. They also destroy Vitamin B1.

4. Sorbates. These apparently are rather harmful compared to other chemicals and used as a preservative to prevent yeast from growing. They do not alter the taste, smell or colour of food. You are likely to find them in foods such as dried meats, cheese, yoghurts, baked goods and margarine. They are likely to be labelled as Potassium Sorbate or Calcium Sorbate.

5. Aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that also goes by the name E951. It is found in anything that is Diet and/or Light e.g. Diet Coke/Diet Soda, Light Yogurts etc. It is a carcinogen that causes headaches and migranes, depression, behavioral problems, blurred vision, eye pains, Convulsions, epilepsy and more. Aspartame is also a waste product of Genetically Modified bacteria which suggests that it too is GMO.


Prozac prescriptions rising sharply in pets.

The prescription drug addiction appears to be spreading among the pet population in America because more and more owners are choosing to medicate their pets with drugs like prozac. Prozac and similar drugs are a set of drugs that alter the mind and interferes with the brain’s and/or the body’s chemistry. They work by changing the levels of hormones that are produced and sent from neurotransmitters to receptors in the brain. This can affect the body too.

Back in 2011, Prozac medications designed for dogs was granted an approval. They are a once a day chewable drugs which make the nervousness that dogs experience when their owners leave the building or are gone for a long time go away. Unfortunately, as with all pharmaceutical drugs, this solution comes with side effects. When animals are given drugs like this they might experience more stress instead of less. It might make them gain weight or develop eating disorders and elimination problems.

Personally, I would think that regular pet training and exercise is a much better option for addressing behavioral problems as throwing drugs at a mental problem or disorder may only make things worse. Drugs designed for mental illnesses only alleviate the symptoms of the disease – They do not treat the cause of the disease.