
Hi there. I am a 17 year old male and this is the first blogging site I have joined. I prefer to relax and have fun but can be a hard worker too.  When I comes to work, I am determined to do my best and finish the job or task. I am a kind and gentle person at heart who does not like to judge people and has empathy in that I put myself in other’s shoes. My main wish is to be 15 again and to not grow up as I do not like growing up.


4 thoughts on “About

  1. My husband is over 70–and he insists he never grew up. True, he had to face adult responsibilities and challenges (and dramas!) but he always carried with him his sense child-like sense of wonder and playfulness. Being grown-up is difficult, but it does have it’s good points.

      • I think our perception of “usefulness” changes over time–you might find, in the future, that something “useful” happened during these past years. Maybe it’s useful to have discovered that you feel as if you’ve wasted time, and now you have the opportunity to decide to stop wasting time? (as you can see, I’m someone who likes to put the best possible spin on things) 🙂

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